Mother most pure . . .
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Mary's Litany
O Mary, you were a part of God's plan for our redemption from all eternity. You are a daughter of God from birth and untouched by the stain of the first sin of Adam. You are purity incarnate, totally filled with and animated by the life of and love of God. Your life was a constant yes and total cooperation with God. Animated by human nature, it was raised and made pleasing to God reflecting His purity, making you the spouse of the Holy Spirit.
As the mother of the Son of God, your purity becomes a shining, beacon and example of the perfection which lovingly draws us toward your Son. May our lives be guided by the desire to be pure and free from the stain of sin. Should we fall, we know your constant love is always present, leading us home to your Son.
the virtues of Mary. The constant delight of the blessed trinity.
She alone giving more glory than all heaven together. Mother of God! Mary
! Oh, the purity of Mary! The humility, patience, love of Mary! That I may
imitate Mary.
(1) St. Elizabeth Seton
She is like an incomparable miracle, the climax of all miracles, and an unfathomable abyss of graces. (2) St. Pius X, pope
saints were exemplars of some particular virtue; Mary is the exemplar of all the
virtues in the highest degree.
(3) St. Thomas Aquinas
Mary is the lily in God's garden. (4) St. Bridget of Sweden
We must imitate her natural and supernatural refinement. She is a privileged creature in the history of salvation, for in Mary "the Word became flesh and dwelled among us." (John 1:14) (5) St. Josemaria Escriva
This Virgin Mother, all fair and pure, renders all her servants pure and chaste. (6) St. Alphonsus de Liguori
the images of this chaste turtle-dove extinguish sensual desires in those who
look at them with devotion.
(7) St. Thomas Aquinas
O most pure Mary, deliver me from temptations. Grant that in my temptations I may always have recourse to you, and call upon you as long as the temptation lasts. (8) St. Alphonsus de Liguori
did not refuse to become man in the womb of Mary, because this beloved Virgin
was always pure and free from the least shadow of sin, and was never possessed
by the infernal serpent. (9) St. Alphonsus de Liguori
from the moment of her conception, was enriched and filled with divine grace by
the Holy Ghost, the plenitude of grace was in her; for from the very moment of
her conception the whole grace of the divinity overflowed upon her, by the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
(10) Peter of Celles
The flesh of the Virgin, taken from Adam, did not admit of the stain of Adam. (11) St. Peter Damian
soul of Mary was like fleece, and imbibed the whole shower of grace, without
losing a drop.
(12) St. Alphonsus de Liguori
All just souls are daughters of divine grace; but among these, Mary was the dove without gall of sin, the perfect one without spot in her origin, the one conceived in grace. (13) St. Alphonsus de Liguori
Looking at Mary, how can we, her children, fail to let the aspiration to beauty, goodness and purity of heart be aroused in us? Her heavenly candor draws us to God, helping us to overcome the temptation to live a mediocre life composed of compromises with evil, and directs us decisively toward the authentic good that is the source of joy. (14) Benedict XVI, pope
your gaze to the Virgin Mary and from her "yes," learn also to pronounce your
"yes" to the divine call. The Holy Spirit enters into our lives in the
measure in which we open our hearts with our "yes": the fuller the "yes," the
fuller is the gift of his presence.
(15) Benedict XVI, pope
The Virgin Most Pure, who conceived in her womb the Redeemer of mankind and was preserved from all stain of original sin, wishes to be the definitive seal of our encounter with God our Savior. There is no fruit of grace in the history of salvation that does not have as its necessary instrument the mediation of Our Lady. (16) Benedict XVl, pope
The purer are your words and your glances, the more pleasing will you be to the Blessed Virgin. And the greater will be the graces that she will obtain for you from her Divine Son. (17) St. John Bosco
are . . . young maidens without number. One is my dove, my entire, my
immaculate one is but one, she is the only one of her mother. Canticle 6:7
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Mary's Litany