Health of the Sick . . .

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To whom does a child turn when it is sick, hurt, frightened or needs comfort, but to its mother from whom it instinctively desires unconditional love, attention, and solace.  Sorrows receive sympathy, illness is treated with medicines, and fears are calmed by the soothing reassurances of love which only a mother can give her child.  Those who suffer physically can find a true mother in Mother.  Numerous are the accounts of physical conditions ruled by medical science to be incurable which, after recourse to Mary, have been cured by a miracle.  Shrines and locations of Marian appearances abound which record only a small portion of the instances in which petitions to Mary have brought about wondrous physical cures.  Always, the question is asked, "Why?" 

The answer is found on another level of understanding Mary.  She was not only the Mother of Jesus Christ, who was born through Mary's virginity by the power of the Holy Spirit, but Mary is the spiritual mother of all those whom her son came to redeem.  She desires to always lead us to a deeper understanding of her son, and encourages us to live by the gospel message he taught.  Mary, as every mother, desires the welfare of her children while they prepare and are being prepared to live with her and Jesus in the promised eternal happiness of heaven prepared by the Father.

Oh sinner, whoever you are – grown old in sin, imbedded in wickedness, despair not.  Thank your lord, who, that he might show you mercy, has not only given his son for your advocate, but, to encourage you to greater confidence, has provided you with a Mediatrix, who, by her prayers obtains whatever she will.  Go then, have recourse to Mary, and you will be saved.
  (1)  St. Bernard-abbot of Clairvaux

God wills that we should have nothing that has not passed through the hands of Mary. (2)  St. Bernard-abbot of Clairvaux

Following her, you cannot wander; while you pray to her you cannot be without hope; as long as you think of her you will be in the path.  You cannot fall when she sustains you; you have nothing to fear while she protects you; if she favors your voyage, you will reach the harbor of safety without weariness. (3)  St. Bernard-abbot of Clairvaux

Remove the sun that illumines the world and from where will light be obtained?  Remove Mary and what will remain but darkness and the shadow of death. (4)  St. Bernard-abbot of Clairvaux

Who did ever come away from Mary’s company discouraged or downcast, or devoid of some knowledge of the heavenly mysteries? (5)  St. Amadeus

Whoever loves Mary attaches his soul to a steadfast anchor which will draw him to the port of happiness. (6)  St. Damascene

Live in Mary’s heart, love what she loves, desire what she desires, and you will have peace, joy, and sanctity.
  (7)  St. John Eudes

Just as the father gave us the great gift of his son to be our Redeemer, so also the son gives us the great gift of his blessed Mother to be our advocate.  When he said to John at the foot of the cross: “Behold your mother!”  He said it to him representing all Christians. (8)  St. John of Avila

The immaculate alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan.  She seeks souls that will consecrate themselves entirely to her that will become in her hands forceful instruments for the defeat of Satan and the spread of God’s kingdom. (9)  St. Maximilian Kolbe

Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future.  The conflict with hell cannot be fought by men, even the most clever.  The Immaculate Virgin alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. (10)  St. Maximilian Kolbe

Mary uses us to defeat evil to give us merit.  Through the victory we give glory to God, for we are poor weak persons using spiritual weapons which in the eyes of the world have no power. (11)  St. Maximilian Kolbe

Mary is the medicine of sinners. (12)  St. Simon Stock

Mary is not only the medicine of sinners, but health itself. (13)  St. Ephrem

Those who call upon Mary not only find in her a remedy, but health itself; as this she herself promises to all who seek her, "He that shall find me shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord." (14)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Let us not fear that, on account of the bad odor of our wounds, she may refuse to take care of us: she is our Mother; and as a mother does not shrink from dressing the wound of her child, neither does this celestial physician refuse to hear servants who call upon her.
(15)  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

O Mother of God, you do not reject a sinner, however loathsome he may be: if he sends up his sighs to you, you will deliver him with your own hand from despair. (16)  St. Bernard

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